NEW: The Wrinkled Prune – a collection of over 45 poems by a local award-winning author is now available for purchase at Bramshott Open Gardens

Proud Bramshott resident, Angela Glass, has chronicled through her poetry, many momentous times in our history. Brexit, Covid, several prime ministers, war, the death of our Queen, the coronation of our King… Good and bad times; births and deaths; change and tradition. But always with the reassuring presence of the village we all love in the background.
“The Wrinkled Prune” is a collection of over 45 of her poems, including her award-winning “To Queen and Country”, for which she won the national Jubilee Literary Society Prize in 2022.
The book is available for sale online.

Angela writes in the foreword:

“My travels around the country, absorbing all the sights and sounds around me; and an idyllic four years of childhood spent on the Isle of Wight; together with all that life throws at us, has inspired me at times to write and to act, in fund-raising pantomimes and comedy revues for different schools and rugby teams over the years; but also to put pen to paper, in verse.

My poetry can be triggered by almost anything: my family, the seasons, a moment in time, an event, an emotion; but above all I try to capture an innately British attitude towards life.

I love this country, with all its eccentricities, irritations and frustrations; but it was our move to Bramshott, this very special place, that has inspired me to write so much more.  I found an outlet in The Bugle, Bramshott’s own magazine, and in the Liphook Community Magazine, and amazingly they accepted my scribblings.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.”


And Bramshott would like to say:

“To Angela, from a very grateful Bramshott. For everything you do for us, our village and our broader community, THANK YOU.” 

Angela Glass, as well as being Bramshott’s Poet, is a proud mother, grandmother, and District Councillor representing Bramshott and Liphook at East Hampshire District Council.